Last weekend I posted a few items to give away on Freecyle. They are items that did not sell at my garage sale, that I held back from the donations pile, and that I was unsuccessful selling on Craigslist (and they are too inexpensive or bulky to list on Ebay).
I love the idea of Freecycle, but I have to say that it is quite a bit of work. For some reason, people respond to postings really promptly saying they want something, but then either don't reply to arrange a pickup or take their sweet time coming to get things.
I will probably accumulate some more things that I will Freecycle just prior to my move, but I will post everything on just one day when I am going to be home all day, and I will stipulate that things must be picked up within the day. Anything that doesn't get picked up, will be donated to charity.
For anyone interested in Freecycle who is not familiar with it, here is the web site:
June 27th, 2007 at 04:51 pm
June 27th, 2007 at 07:31 pm 1182969114
The no-shows are a frustration as a giver, but the no replies are, well, I think they are bad manners. Just hit reply, type in "No" and hit send. Easy. (Oh, maybe I should have used my own blog for this gripe. More bad manners?)
June 27th, 2007 at 09:13 pm 1182975226
What a waste of time!
With an average dozen or so people responding on any one given item, you really don't have the time to respond to each and every one of them, just the one you are ready to offer it to. As a courtesy, you should then post it as "Promised" or "Taken on the site so others will know.
June 27th, 2007 at 11:29 pm 1182983362
It was GREAT in it's hayday - I wish I had cleared more clutter then.
One thing I always do is keep the first 3-5 e-mails so if #1 doesn't workout I have a backup. I usually never had a problem. IF someone didn't show up the same day, someone else would the next day. But yeah there would be days I would post crap and it would be gone in an hour and now I can't get anyone to take some furniture and hangers (all VERY useful!).
June 28th, 2007 at 07:14 am 1183011260
Our group has a rule......if you speak for something, you must go get it and take it all. Works so well. What you don't want/need, you pass along somehow, to others.
I'm so grateful for our freecycle group; they assist in clearing out unnecessary items and they are a gift when listing a 'want'. How great it is to receive something on ones wish list and not have to spend money for it!
June 28th, 2007 at 12:56 pm 1183031813
Example: We posted some plexiglass and aluminum frames were up for grabs...we received a VERY EAGER reply, and the fool doesn't show up. No e-mail,no phone call,nothing. Scratch him from my list.
Drill/driver was also posted and a person replies only to ask if I can deliver it. NO! My ad VERY CLEARLY stated YOU must p/u.
But, it does help me to identify those I'll clearly NOT respond to in the future.