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How do you eat an elephant?

August 10th, 2007 at 06:02 pm

Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time!

I have a small-size elephant I need to eat this month.

Two days ago I packed up 3 big boxes of things I wanted to get sold on Ebay prior to our move and hauled them off to a "Trading Post" that I found through Ebay. I thought this would be a way to get that project completed easily, even tho' it would mean paying a rather hefty commission. The trading post's info included a physical address and drop-off hours, with no mention of restrictions on items, in fact they said that they will sell anything. Turns out the address was just for a UPS store. I called the phone number for the company from the parking lot. They told me that they are a national company, and that the UPS store would ship the things to them, but that I had to open an account with them and each item had to be worth at least $30. Forget about that!

Chalk that up as another "live and learn" experience. So, I am going to list and sell those items myself, which is a rather big project to be tackling this close to the move.

The biggest hurdle I faced was getting packaging materials for everything. I know Ebay and the USPS have linked up to send free Priority Mail boxes to your house, but when I had checked several months ago it was for some huge number of boxes (like 50 for each size), and I had of course thought ahead and wondered what on earth I would do with all of the leftover boxes not to mention where would I keep them?

Well, the "where to keep them" part is easy now. I have already sold off so much through Craigslist and our garage sale in May that I have plenty of room.

And, I was most pleasantly surprised to find out that it is now possible to order the free boxes in multiples of 10. Yea! So, I ordered 10 of each size, and went ahead and listed a few things last night. I'll keep listing a few every day, as many as I can. Since DH's business has slowed down, he'll be the one making the post office runs when it is time to ship things.

I'll just keep reminding myself, one bite at a time. Even if I just get one listing done, that's still something.

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