Home > Saved $1,200! Thank you Penske!

Saved $1,200! Thank you Penske!

August 14th, 2007 at 04:51 pm

This morning I revisited the Penske truck rental site, because DH and I were discussing whether we could downgrade our reservation to a smaller truck (because we have been successful in selling off or getting rid of so much stuff). I ran a "test reservation" and found out the rates are down A WHOLE LOT from what they were when I reserved our truck. [I booked with Penske because their rates were much less than the other truck rental companies, especially considering I got a 22% combined discount for booking on-line and being a AAA member.] I called Penske to see if I could cancel our reservation and re-book, and they said that they could adjust to the new rate for us, and still apply the Web discount and the AAA discount. On top of that, even tho' the rate for a car carrier had increased I could stay locked in at the old (lower) rate. So, in about 30 minutes time this morning, I saved $1,200! Wow - Thank you Penske!

Of course I was excited, and I also loved how my DH got excited when I told him! [In our marriage, we both play offense and defense, but he's definitely the 'head of the offensive team' while I'm definitely 'defensive coordinator.' It's really motivating for me when he appreciates my efforts to save money every chance I get.]

In other relocation news:
- The charitable donation guys did a swing through our neighborhood yesterday & I put out one more big box of stuff for them to pick up.
- We freecycled away some big heavy storage units that were in our garage... No way did we want to move those! So glad that we won't have to deal with them, and that someone else can put them to good use.
- When getting the donation box put together, I found a few more items to list on Ebay. I really need to keep chomping away at that elephant...
- The sales continue to trickle in. And I've decided that once the final Ebay sale is shipped off, the sales will stop too. Any books that are left will get boxed up and taken to HalfPrice Books. As long as I'm going to the Post Office to ship Ebay stuff, I might as well keep selling on But once the Ebay sales are finished, no more runs to the Post Office.
- We're continuing to let things run down and run out. I'll admit that I'll be glad when we get to Austin and I can just go to Costco and buy one great big container of laundry detergent instead of standing in Fred Meyer trying to estimate how many more loads of wash I'll be doing before our move!

1 Responses to “Saved $1,200! Thank you Penske!”

  1. Schadenfreude Says:

    That is GREAT news about the truck rental. What a surprise.

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