I think the first rule of sensible spending is "know yourself." Do you like to change things up once in awhile, or are you happy wearing the same things until they wear out? Me ... I'm happy wearing the same things until they are no longer functional. So, I try to shop accordingly.
A watch & my glasses (and my wedding ring of course) are the only accessories I wear most days.
I have 2 watches --- The 2nd was a gift. 2 watches aren't necessary, but after I received the 2nd I realized it is nice to have both brown (Guess) & black (Seiko).
Anyway ... The older watch, the Guess brand, is I-don't-know-how-old ... I am guessing around 18 years. I just got the battery replaced ($10) and realized I have lost track of how many times I've replaced the battery or had the strap changed (because it broke or wore out).
Will most watches last forever, as long as you're just giving them normal wear and tear? Will the battery need to be changed more and more frequently as the watch gets older? Are watch batteries so standard that I can expect to always be able to find a replacement battery that fits my watch? Can I keep wearing these watches indefinitely?
How old is your watch?
I will be perfectly happy if I can keep wearing these same 2 watches until the day I die.
It's the same thing with my glasses. I get my prescription updated every few years, but I don't change the frames unless I have to. I have had to change the frame because either the frame broke (walked in to a bike rack sticking way out off of the back of a car and didn't see it - ouch) or I can no longer get lenses that fit the frames. Last time I bought new frames I narrowed it down to 2 frames, then asked the gals at Costco to help me choose. Knowing myself, I told them I'd like to update my look a bit, but not be too trendy because I would probably be wearing those same frames for at least 10 years, maybe more. They pointed out something about one of the frames that made it a bit trendy (was it the shape?), and that was all I needed to know to make up my mind. I bought the other pair.
Watches & Glasses
March 30th, 2008 at 04:51 pm
March 30th, 2008 at 05:34 pm 1206894881
March 30th, 2008 at 06:09 pm 1206896981
I am pretty hard on my glasses though, even though I wear contact about 95% of the time, I have had the same frames/lenses for about 3 years now. I usually get an average pair costing about $130 or so, but by the time I decide that the prescription has changed so much that I need to get new lenses, the frames are usually so bent/loose/chipped that I decide to get new frames as well. By that time, I usually get some money from my vision insurance to pay for part.
March 30th, 2008 at 06:39 pm 1206898743
I'm hard on glasses frames. They end up getting thrown around the car a lot because I only wear them when driving, and I alternate with contacts. Insurance allows replacements every couple of years, and that's enough for me.
March 31st, 2008 at 12:04 am 1206918251
March 31st, 2008 at 01:48 am 1206924508
But I am looking to get a second more casual watch.
March 31st, 2008 at 02:28 am 1206926925
March 31st, 2008 at 04:17 am 1206933473
Glasses. Oh the shame! Women it seems need a more frequent refreshing here in the style department. Hubster's glasses look much the same today in style that they did when we married 25 years ago. I've got some doosy choices from the few times I've changed mine. What was I thinking?? They were the style at the time, but gaaaaa!!! Went with contacts for awhile. Vanity Vanity! But I've got an appointment on the 10th of April to get my eye-holes checked out...I see new glasses in my future. Yeah, it's blurry at the moment, but I think I can see them. Right now I can't see spit! I believe I'm done w/contacts for the present.
I'm just hoping for frames somewhat inexpensive yet sturdy that compliments my skin tone. Maybe a light grey or pale pink if plastic, or a silver or pewter tone if metal. Looks like these days it's the thinner reading style glasses that are currently in vogue. Ehhh, I'm not sure if those are for me or not.
March 31st, 2008 at 12:58 pm 1206964692
April 2nd, 2008 at 02:49 am 1207100960