Home > Grocery Prices

Grocery Prices

March 15th, 2009 at 02:18 pm

Has anyone else noticed grocery prices coming down a wee bit?

While the "HEB Banana Price Index" is holding steady at 49-cents per lb, I have noticed actual price CUTS on some items.

While everyone would agree that food is a "need," I am one of those people who mentally separates grocery items as to whether they are "more on the need side" vs. "more on the want side." That way, when I buy grocery items that are "more on the want side" of the equation, I know I'm making a little splurge and I realize that I'm treating myself, even if I'm not running to Starbucks or the manicurist. It's a way to get genuine pleasure from a relatively simple thing.

This past week, I've been able to treat DH & myself at the grocery store with the following purchases that are very much wants and not needs, and in some cases are things that we have not bought for quite a long time:

- A box of Bagelfuls (DH loves them) for $2 --- I used to wait until they were on sale for $2 or less. HEB has cut their price and this is now the regular price. You should have seen DH's eyes light up when I came home and told him.

- A carton of Tropicana for $1.99 (w/ Target coupon) ... And I see that Randall's has it on sale this week for $1.97 with coupon, so I'll probably be buying a 2nd carton. Wow! As much as we appreciate our usual OJ from concentrate (it has nutritional value, tastes good, and the price is right), honestly we do love Tropicana. What a nice splurge!

- 5 Lean Cuisine entrees (Spa Selections Butternut Squash Ravioli w/ Veggies ... my favorite) + Carton of Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches for $10 (This was one of HEB's Combo Deals). The frozen entrees will be a very nice treat for lunch at work, instead of my usual almond butter sandwich. And the ice cream sandwiches are a treat any way you look at them!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend, and I hope everyone is able to enjoy some frugal treats in the week ahead!

4 Responses to “Grocery Prices”

  1. stredoa Says:

    you make me hungry for ice cream sandwiches!! I too have noticed price cuts in my local stores, even walmart.

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I have noticed that too - some price cuts, some price raises.

    Have you checked at Target for the Lean Cuisines? Until recently at least, they had them for $1.88.

  3. Aleta Says:

    I have noticed the price cuts as well. Yes, I do what you do in treating ourselves to a little treat even if it's not on the list. I try to do so well with the sales and coupons that sometimes it's just good to have something that you normally don't buy. Yes, my husbands eyes also light up when I bring in a little goodie that he doesn't expect.

  4. scfr Says:

    Thank you frugaltexan - I'll be sure to check Target's prices next time I go. In the past, they hadn't sold the type I like for less than $2, but it seems prices are really in flux right now so hopefully that has changed.

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