Home > Ordering from Seafood/Meat/Deli Counter - Wish I'dThought of This Sooner

Ordering from Seafood/Meat/Deli Counter - Wish I'dThought of This Sooner

October 5th, 2013 at 08:05 pm

When I order something by weight from the seafood/meat/deli counter, the server ALWAYS goes over a little and asks if it's OK. While I KNOW that this is a way to increase their sales, most time I just say "OK" (unless it's a really expensive item in which case I ask them to put some back). Surely I'm not the only one who is a bit wimpy this way?

Well, today I decided to take a different approach when ordering some hamburger, because I really didn't want any extra. I asked for "$3 worth." Low & behold, just a tad under at $2.95!!! This will be my approach from now on. I know that for some items like a slice off of a fillet of fish, it is not possible to get it exactly right, but for something like hamburger or shrimp or deli meat, where they can just put a handful or slice back, it's easily doable.

Wish I had thought of this about 20 years sooner! Big Grin

2 Responses to “Ordering from Seafood/Meat/Deli Counter - Wish I'dThought of This Sooner”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    Good idea!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Never thought of that!

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